Trunk Show Designer Consignment Shop

What condition do my items need to be in?

Items must be in excellent to near excellent condition. This means no tears, stains, fading, missing buttons, or broken zippers. Your items must be clean and the style must be current (1 – 2 years old).

What happens if my item does not sell?

Most consignment items will sell within 30 days. However, if item is not sold after 30 days we will reduce the price.

Why shouldn’t I just sell my items myself?

So you think to yourself, why should I pay someone else to do this when I can do it myself?

The truth is, selling your own items either online or from your own home can be very time-consuming and frustrating. You need to be familiar with pricing, writing compelling descriptions, measuring, and other selling strategies. You must take clear photos that show off your items. This is truly an art. Answering customer service inquires can be time consuming and tedious.

From past selling experiences with our fabulous consignment clients, many of them can agree that our modern and curated consignment collection, established online reputation, and stunning storefront appearance is well worth the benefit of leaving all of this to us.

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